COVID-19 update

Due to the recent events associated with COVID-19, ASDevices has taken multiple measures to minimize disruption of its operation while keeping as a priority the safety of its employees:
1. As of last week, only ASDevices employees can enter in our offices.
2. All employees must keep a 2-meter distance between them.
3. All staff that can work from home is now working from home.
4. Good hygiene practices were reminded to all employees.
5. Disinfectant is available in the office.
6. Manufacturing staff is now allowed to share tools. Tools and equipment are now cleaned daily.
7. Any staff with symptoms associated with the virus will be quarantine as requested by the government.
Early February, we have also taken a pro-active measure to build a higher inventory of ASDevices components in our China Office to prevent supply disruption. China market is restarting, and we must make sure that we can supply our customers.
In our field, we are also the only company to have two 2 sites for GC integration in two geographical locations. Those sites are used to integrate the KA Solution products. As such, we can manufacture those products on two sites using our qualified and well-trained staff. We are also making the most from our Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) product architecture and smart factory. For our KA Solutions, we can now use this architecture to remotely tune GCs. This means that tuners in Canada can tune GCs in China and vice-versa. This makes sure that we can easily share our knowledge and control product quality while minimizing supply chain disruption.