An innovative analytical solution for ultra-trace impurities analysis in Hydrogen for fuel cells

It is with great pride that we have successfully commissioned this H2 analysis system. This innovative analytical system has been designed to measure ultra-trace impurities in hydrogen used for fuel cell, a booming market.
The system is using 100% ASDevices technologies. Our proprietary SePdd detector is used for all measurements, including sulfur compounds and formaldehyde which are known to be difficult to analyze. It comprises our patent-pending enhanced plasma discharge (Epd) technology, which is solid-state and only requires inert carrier gas to operate, a very robust solution compared to traditional SCD and FPD/PFPD. It also does not require sample concentration to measure sulfur compounds.
Combined with our patented purged lip sealing valve (PLSV) technology – a great contributor to the overall system performance – and our advanced innovative signal processing state of the art GC platform, it results in a robust and simple to use solution for field usage! Many more systems like this will be commissioned in the coming months. To know more, download our AN-09, AN-10 and AN-15 application notes from our documentation section on our website.